Wednesday 13 May 2009

Relationship between staff and PUPIL

The students at Stanley Park are all very loveable and very talented and i have noticed the strong bomds and relationships drama has brought into the classrooms. They have a very open and friendly relationship with Pete. I have increasingly noticed how they buy him presents and give him a hug in lesson. I spoke to Pete about it and he said the students have done that since he became a drama teacher, Pete is a former science teacher, the school didi nit o drama so Pete was on a trail basis to save drama, the children all love pete and love drama. To begin with i was uncomfortable about the students hugging me as they started showing me the same affection as they do Pete, often giving me a hug. However i have since become used to the relationship and friendlyness within the classroom. I think it is a good thing to have a happy and welcoming mood to work in as this will encourage the students to work better.

Many students work closely with Pete, for their work experience at the Poker Theatre. Pete preforms alot on stage and has a company of which several of the students have joined since his performnce of Around The World In 80 Days.

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